
Configurare noua (How To)


Avem eroarea: WLAN Extensibility Module has stopped unexpectedly. Module Path: C:WINDOWSsystem32Rtlihvs.dll


Pasi de urmat

Metoda 1:

Se dezactiveaza si reactiveaza Wireless Network Connection.

Pentru a face acest lucru procedam astfel:

a) Click Start, Control Panel, click Network and Internet, apoi Network and Sharing Center, Change adapter settings

b) Click dreapta pe Wireless Network Connection si apasam pe Disable

c) Click dreapta pe Wireless Network Connection si apasam pe Enable

Metoda 2:

Restartam servicul de WLAN AutoConfig

a) apasam tasta Windows+R

b) In RUN scriem services.msc, apoi dam enter

c) Click dreapta pe WLAN AutoConfig

d) Click pe Properties, apoi pe tabul General , in Startup, selectam Automatic, si apoi click pe Start/Restart.

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