Refresh your laptop/computer(Windows 8)

Configurare noua (How To)


The moment your laptop / computer starts to give unusual errors, certain programs disappear, it starts up hard, it means the operating system has quite serious errors and it would be best to refresh your laptop / computer.


1.Navigate to  PC Settings

2. Select Update & recovery

3. Click Recovery in the left pane

4.Here you will find three options:

a.Refresh you PC without affecting your files – here you will refresh your laptop/computer without losing files,

b.Remove everything and reinstall Windows – this option will delete everything from the partition on which you installed Windows and it will be reinstalled,

c.Advanced startup – lets you boot off a recovery USB drive or disc and “Go to an earlier build” is made for Windows Insiders who want to roll back to a previous version of the OS.

5.Click Get started under Refresh your PC

After this step you will need to have a flash drive inserted in your laptop / computer in order to be able to back up Windows.

And so you will have a laptop / computer that will run much faster and without any errors.

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