Tabele fara Primary Key

Configurare noua (How To)


Pentru cazurile in care ne cere audit-ul sau chiar pentru cazurile in care avem nevoie noi de asa ceva pentru o mai buna administrare a serverului de sql, am facut o procedura ce returneaza toate tabelele ce nu au definite PK pe acestea.


create procedure BD_FindAllTablesWithoutPK_prc


select name
from sysobjects
where type=’U’
and name not in(
select distinct table_name
from information_schema.key_column_usage
where constraint_catalog = db_name()
and lower(constraint_name) like ‘pk%’
and table_name not like ‘tbl_core_%’
and table_name not like ‘db_version_1%’
and table_name not like ‘dtproperties’
and LOWER(constraint_name) like ‘pk%’)

order by name

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