Learn how to configure a user account so that the password never expires. This can be done from Windows command prompt as well as in “local user accounts” console.
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- Open elevated admin command prompt
- Run the command.
WMIC USERACCOUNT WHERE Name='username' SET PasswordExpires=FALSE
Example: To never expire password of administrator account.
c:\>net user administrator | findstr /C:expires Account expires Never Password expires 9/12/2017 9:02:26 PM
- You can see above that the password would expire on 9/12. Now we are going to change that.
c:\>WMIC USERACCOUNT WHERE Name='administrator' SET PasswordExpires=FALSE Updating property(s) of '\\MYPC\ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_UserAccount.Domain="MYPC",Name="administrator"' Property(s) update successful.
- Checking password expiry date now
c:\>net user administrator | findstr /C:expires Account expires Never Password expires Never
Do the following steps to disable password expiry in user account console.
- Execute the command
from Run. - Click on users in the list displayed on the left side
- Double click on the user account you would like to update
- Select the check button
Password never expires
. Click OK
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