Cum sa deschizi File Explorer Options folosind cmd Data 29/05/2019 Autor alexandru corches Categorie Soluții 3 389 Configurare noua (How To) Situatie Solutie Pasi de urmat Accesam start menu, cautam CMD si ulterior il deschidem. In command prompt introducem urmatoarea comanda: control folders Exemplu: Dupa introducerea comenzii, observam ca s-a deschis meniul de File Explorer Options. Tip solutiePermanent Voteaza Up Down (10 din 17 persoane apreciaza acest articol) ShareTweetShare Despre Autor alexandru corches Solutii Asemanatoare What is uBlock Origin (uBO) -1 Advanced Security measures for Financial Data -1 Recommended Tools for maximum security -1 How to improve security on internet 1 How to merge Audio Files on Windows 11 -1 Can Google Wallet Work without Wi-Fi or Mobile Data? 2 Leave A Comment? × Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. + seven = nine
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