How to get data from web – MS Excel

Couple simple steps to follow:

1.First step is to copy the URL adress of the data that you want to import to Excel

2.Open an Excel worksheet and go to “Data” – “From Web”, as show below

3.Paste the URL into the search bar and press enter

4.Simply tick the table/data and click the “Import” button and choose where to paste it.

[mai mult...]

Unlock your PC when an App crashes – No restart

Short how to guide about what you can do to “unfreeze” your PC when your App crashes and the screen in frozen.

1.Press “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “Escape” simultaneously and your Task Manager will pop up.

2.Go to the “Options” tab and tick the  “Always on top” box as shown below.

This will make Task Manager appear over any frozen app and let you use it.

[mai mult...]

Access BIOS without going into boot screen/restart

First, right click on your desktop screen go to “New” and then “Shortcut” as shown below.

Next, type the following ” shutdown /r /fw /t 1″

Hit “Next” and for the name of this shortcut it can be whatever you want, then go ahead and hit “Finish”. Next, right click on the icon and go to “Properties”

Then, go to the “Shortcut” tab and click on “Advanced”

Check the “Run as Administrator” box, click “OK” and then “Apply”.

Double-click on your shortcut and enjoy.

[mai mult...]

How to find your Wi Fi ‘s password

If you have forgotten your router’s password or it is placed in a hard to reach position, log onto your laptop and follow these simple steps:

1.Go to Start (bottam left) and search for “View Network Connections” as shown below

2.Right click on your “Wi Fi” and go to “Status”

3.Go to Wireless properties and simply tick the “Show password” case

Hope this helps.

[mai mult...]

How to search for “commands” in Windows 10

You can search up anything really fast with Windows 10, even commands. Let’s say you want to shut down your computer in 60 minutes:

  • click on the start button (bottom left) and type the following: “shutdown -s -t 3600” as shown below.

As you can see it looks like a “run” command. Your Windows will give you a message that it will shut down in 60 minutes.

If you want to cancel the shutdown just simply type “shutdown -a”, and it will cancel the timer.

Myself find this very useful as it saves a lot time not having to download any external app.

Here are 3 other useful commands you should use to save a lot time:

1.Access Resource Monitor – ” resmon ”

2.Open System information – ” msinfo32 ”

3.Access mouse properties – ” main.cpl “.

[mai mult...]

How to encrypt files using command prompt

Couple steps you need to follow:

  • Open command prompt -> start -> cmd as shown

  • Change your working directory to the folder where your files are Using “cd” command followed by the folder pathway.
  • Next,using the “Cipher /E“ will encrypt everything inside that pathway

Important note: The files will open normally for you, however, any other user will not be able to view the files unless they login into your account, so make sure you have a password set.

[mai mult...]

Two Windows 10 tricks

1.How to record your screen without any software

Click on the “Start” button and search for “Xbox Game Bar” as shown

Press Windows Key + G button on the screen you want to record.

You need to click on the Recording button on the Capture widget.To stop the screen recording, click on the Stop button on the same widget. By default, all your recordings get saved to the folder:

2.How to hide any Specific drive in Windows 10

First of all, press the Windows Key + R button together to open the RUN dialog box.

Type ‘gpedit.msc’ and hit the Enter button. Follow the next steps as shown in the picture:

User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > File Explorer.

On the right pane, find and double click on the option ‘Hide these specified drives in My Computer’ as show below:

Now select ‘Enabled’ and on the ‘Pick one of the following combinations,’ choose the drive you want to hide.

[mai mult...]