To use annotation tools during a Google Meet presentation follow this steps.
[mai mult...]Cum ștergi cookie-urile din Microsoft Edge
Dacă vrei să ștergi toate cookie-urile stocate în Microsoft Edge, urmează acești pași simpli.
[mai mult...]Cum folosești clipboardul pe iPhone
Ce este clipboardul pe iPhone?
Clipboardul este spațiul de stocare temporară unde se păstrează ultima informație copiată – fie că este vorba despre text, o imagine sau un link. Spre deosebire de alte platforme, nu poți accesa o listă a elementelor copiate anterior, ci doar ultimul element copiat.
Pași pentru utilizarea clipboardului pe iPhone
[mai mult...]Fixare Coș de reciclare (Recycle Bin) în File Explorer pe Windows 11
Pentru a fixa Coșul de reciclare în File Explorer pe Windows 11, urmează acești pași simpli.
[mai mult...]Safeguard your data – it’s your digital treasure
Stay Safe on Social Media: short guide to responsible usage
Social media is a vital part of our lives, providing instant communication and global connectivity. To use these platforms safely, follow these essential tips.
[mai mult...]Tips for Safer Online Shopping
Online shopping offers great convenience but also comes with risks.
[mai mult...]Transfer between devices during a Google Meet call
You can join a video meeting on Google Meet and smoothly transfer your meeting between devices such as a computeror a mobile device. This allows you to maintain an ongoing conversation without worrying about missing important information.
For example, if you commute to work and join a meeting on your mobile device, you can transfer the meeting to your computer at work to continue the conversation without the need to hang up or rejoin.
Hide tiles without video during Google Meet calls
Google introduced the ability to hide non-video tiles, allowing users to declutter their screens and focus solely on participants with their videos enabled. This option minimizes screen distractions and emphasizes video-enabled participants, while still displaying users with their videos turned off when they speak.
[mai mult...]