Tehnica Inbox Zero

Este o abordare a gestionării emailurilor care are ca scop principal menținerea unei cutii poștale electronice goale sau aproape goale în mod constant. Ideea din spatele tehnicii Inbox Zero este de a gestiona eficient și rapid fluxul de emailuri, astfel încât să nu se acumuleze mesaje neprelucrate sau necitite în inbox.

Este important să găsiți o abordare care să funcționeze cel mai bine pentru dumneavoastră și să adaptați principiile tehnicii Inbox Zero în funcție de necesitățile și fluxul de lucru proprii.

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About WiFi Direct and how to use it

Using WiFi and Bluetooth daily is one of the most common things that we do. But how about combining both of them? Let’s name it WiFi Direct.

WiFi Direct is a technology that allows devices such as computers or smartphones to connect directly to each other wirelessly. WiFi Direct enables devices to establish direct communication. It can be used for connecting basically anything wirelessly without the need to connect your devices to a wireless network.

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Keep your PC safe with Windows Dynamic Lock on Windows 11

Windows Dynamic Lock is a feature starting with Windows 10 that protects your data by recognizing when you are near your computer and when you are away.

It pairs itself with your mobile phone and recognizes the distance at which you are located through a running Bluetooth connection. If your mobile phone goes beyond a distance of 2 meters from the computer, the PC automatically locks.

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