Windows 10 comes with the new Hero login wallpaper but some people are not a fan of this. If you want to disable it, you can do so… via the registry.
[mai mult...]Increase Taskbar Transparency Level
You may have noticed that the transparency on the taskbar is ever so slightly different, depending on whether or not you have an AMOLED or OLED display. With a simple modification you can enable this OLED transparency on any display.
[mai mult...]Open the Command Prompt from any folder location
If you’ve ever worked in the Command Prompt for very long, you know that it can be really frustrating executing the cd/chdir command over and over again to get to the right directory.
[mai mult...]Become a Command Prompt Power User With Function Keys
The fact that the function keys actually do something in the Command Prompt is maybe one of the best kept secrets about the tool.
[mai mult...]Hide OneDrive from File Explorer
Windows 10 includes OneDrive, but if you’d rather not see it, here is a way to disable OneDrive and remove it from File Explorer on Windows 10.
[mai mult...]How to Disable Cortana in Windows 10 using Regedit
Cortana has become increasingly restrictive since Windows 10’s release. It was previously updated to ignore your default web browser. Cortana now always launches the Microsoft Edge browser and only uses Bing when you search. If that sounds like something you wouldn’t want to use, here’s how to turn it off.
[mai mult...]Disable Windows Mobility Center in Windows 7
Windows Mobility Center is a fairly useful tool for those of us using Windows 7 or Vista on a laptop computer, but might not be for everybody, especially since it takes over the Win+X keyboard shortcut.
If you would rather disable Windows Mobility Center, all it takes is a single registry tweak.
[mai mult...]Kill Windows with the Blue Screen of Death in 3 Keystrokes
This isn’t a bug, it’s a “feature” in Windows that is designed to let users trigger a crash dump for testing purposes.
[mai mult...]MaxFreeTcbs regedit tweak
MaxFreeTcbs determines how many active TCP connections your computer can handle at any given time based on how much physical memory you have and how much performance your computer has with regard to bandwidth.
If the number is too high, your computer may not properly process TCP transactions because of the high amount of active connections talking to the computer at the same time. However, if the number is too low, you can’t host or request as many connections as you’d like. While the setting is arbitrarily determined, you may want to bump up the number when you upgrade your hardware or Internet connection.
[mai mult...]What is MaxUserPort and how to modify it
When an application requests an available port to open from Windows, the operating system chooses one port from 1024 to a specified maximum known as “MaxUserPort.” A port on your computer allows you to establish TCP/UDP connections through the Internet and in your local network. What happens when you open more options to programs seeking a port? They find a port much faster than they would with only a couple thousand available choices.
Windows sets this value to 5000 by default, but you can set it up for any number from 5000 to 65534.
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