Cum instalam Bitdefender?

1. Accesam si ne logam pe contul nostru de Central Bitdefender (daca e pentru prima data va fi nevoie sa ne inregistram)

2.Selectam My Devices din meniul lateral din stânga paginii.

3. In bara de My Devices apasam pe Add device

4. In fereastra deschisa alegem Security, apoi selectam This device pentru a incepe descarcarea programului:

5. Asteptam sa se termine descarcarea, apoi rulam kit-ul de instalare.

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How to scan a document to notes in IOS

  • Open Notes and select a note or create a new one.
  • Tap the Camera button , then tap Scan documents.
  • Place your document in view of the camera.
  • If your device is in Auto mode, your document will automatically scan. If you need to manually capture a scan, tap the Shutter button or one of the Volume buttons. Then drag the corners to adjust the scan to fit the page, then tap Keep Scan.
  • Tap Save or add additional scans to the document.
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Enable Secret password on CISCO Router



Router#configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

Router(config)#enable sec

Router(config)#enable secret cisco1234

Router(config)#service pass

Router(config)#service password-encryption



%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console

Router#sh run

Building configuration…

Current configuration : 737 bytes


version 15.1

no service timestamps log datetime msec

no service timestamps debug datetime msec

service password-encryption


hostname Router




enable secret 5 $1$mERr$WKkcGROjDgUmPKrVvqyr10

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Configure Banner in Cisco devices

Steps to configure banner through CLI
    1. Login to the device using SSH / TELNET and go to enable mode.
    1. Go into the config mode.
      Router#configure terminal
      Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    1. Use below command to configure banner for required banner types (motd / login / exec)
      Router(config)#banner motd #Unauthorized access to this device is prohibited!#
    1. Exit config mode
  1. Copy the running configuration into startup configuration using the below command:
    Router#write memory
    Building configuration… [OK]
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