Enable Secret password on CISCO Router



Router#configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

Router(config)#enable sec

Router(config)#enable secret cisco1234

Router(config)#service pass

Router(config)#service password-encryption



%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console

Router#sh run

Building configuration…

Current configuration : 737 bytes


version 15.1

no service timestamps log datetime msec

no service timestamps debug datetime msec

service password-encryption


hostname Router




enable secret 5 $1$mERr$WKkcGROjDgUmPKrVvqyr10

[mai mult...]

Configure Banner in Cisco devices

Steps to configure banner through CLI
    1. Login to the device using SSH / TELNET and go to enable mode.
    1. Go into the config mode.
      Router#configure terminal
      Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    1. Use below command to configure banner for required banner types (motd / login / exec)
      Router(config)#banner motd #Unauthorized access to this device is prohibited!#
    1. Exit config mode
  1. Copy the running configuration into startup configuration using the below command:
    Router#write memory
    Building configuration… [OK]
[mai mult...]

Cum setam port-security pe switch cisco

Cum setam port-security pe switch cisco

1.Ne connectam pe switch prin consola sau telnet

2.Activam modul Privileged EXEC prin comanda enable

3.Dupa ce am activat Privileged EXEC rulam comanda configure terminal

4.Selectam interfata pe care vrem sa setam port-security (interface fa0/1)

5.Scriem comanda: switchport port-security maximum #Value (Aici putem maximul de mac-uri acceptat pe interfata).

[mai mult...]

4 comenzi CMD de retea utile


Comanda netstat ne ajuta sa verificam ce porturi TCP sau UDP sunt deschise pe calculatorul nostru.

2.Ipconfig /all

Aceasta comanda ne ajuta sa vedem toate informatiile din reteaua noastra +mac-ul dispozitivului.

3.Ipconfig /release si ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /release – aceasta comanda face ca adaptorul de retea sa execute comanda disable/enable
ipconfig /renew –  este comanda care ii cere dhcp-ului (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) din router un alt ip pentru calculatorul nostru.


Ping-ul trimite un pachet catre o destinatie si astepta raspuns, cu aceasta comanda putem verifica daca avem pierderi in retea.

[mai mult...]

Cum ne conectam remote pe calculator prin Chrome Remote Desktop.IOS

  • On your computer, open Chrome.
    In the address bar, enter remotedesktop.google.com/access.
  • Under “Set up Remote Access,” click Download Download page.

Follow the onscreen directions to download and install Chrome Remote Desktop.

Intram pe AppsStore si cautam aplicatia Chrome Remote Desktop.

  • Descarcam si instalam aplicatia.
  • Atingeți din listă calculatorul pe care doriți să va conectati. Dacă un computer este estompat, acesta este offline sau indisponibil

Alegem calculatorul pe care vrem sa ne conectam si introducem pin-ul setat pe https://remotedesktop.google.com/

[mai mult...]