When you want to change the font style in Google Docs, use the Font drop-down box in the toolbar.
Click the “Font” drop-down and pick the “More Fonts” option.
You’ll then see a pop-up window where you can find, add, or remove the fonts in the drop-down list.
Use the Search box at the top left if you have a particular font style in mind. You can search for a specific name to see whether it’s available. In the first drop-down menu to the right of the search, “Scripts,” you can select fonts for languages.
In the “Show” menu, you can filter font styles by “Display,” “Handwriting,” “Monospace,” “Serif,” or “Sans Serif.”
Finally, in the “Sort” menu, you can sort the fonts by popularity, alphabetical order, date added, or what’s trending.
How to Set the Default Currency in Google Sheets
To set the default currency for all new Google Sheets, visit your profile language settings at https://myaccount.google.com/language. Once you’ve selected your language in the “Preferred Language” section, Sheets will assume that you want to use the currency of your language region as the default in all the new Sheets that you’ll create going forward.
[mai mult...]Enabling and Disabling Discord Developer Mode on Android, iPhone, or iPad
Developer mode enables certain additional information in the Discord client, such as channel and message IDs for your server. If you’re developing a bot to monitor and post in a certain channel, for instance, you’ll need this information to point the bot in the right direction.
[mai mult...]How to Enable or Disable Developer Mode on Discord
Developer mode enables certain additional information in the Discord client, such as channel and message IDs for your server. If you’re developing a bot to monitor and post in a certain channel, for instance, you’ll need this information to point the bot in the right direction.
Discord has plenty of features for gamers and community builders, but if you don’t see the features you need, you’ll need to add a bot. If you’re a bot developer yourself, you may want to enable Discord’s developer mode first.
[mai mult...]How to Make Firefox Always Open Your Previously Open Tabs
If you’re tired of losing your place when you close or restart Firefox, there’s a simple remedy: Turn on “Restore previous session” in Options, and you’ll get all your previously open tabs back the next time you restart.
[mai mult...]How to Add Headers or Footers in Google Sheets
A Google Sheets spreadsheet doesn’t have a visible header or footer until you decide to print. If you want to add headers and footers to a Google Sheets spreadsheet, you’ll have to use the printer settings menu—here’s how.
[mai mult...]How to Quickly Change the Font on All Slides in PowerPoint
Editing a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation can be time consuming, especially if you’re dealing with multiple slides. If you want to change fonts across your presentation, you’ll need to use the “Replace Fonts” tool or change the Slide Master template.
[mai mult...]How to Insert Outlook Contact Information in Microsoft Word
There are a number of ways to insert contact information into a Word document. Perhaps the easiest is just adding an Address Book button to the Quick Access Toolbar so that you can add contacts on-the-fly and at the touch of a button in any Microsoft Office application.
[mai mult...]How to Sort by Multiple Columns in Google Sheets
Când analizați seturi de date complexe în Foi de calcul Google, puteți profita de funcția de sortare integrată pentru a organiza datele. Puteți sorta după coloane individuale sau pentru date mai complexe, puteți sorta după mai multe coloane.
Pentru aceasta, va trebui să deschideți foaia de calcul Google Sheets și să selectați setul de date pe care doriți să îl sortați. Puteți face acest lucru manual selectând celulele folosind mouse-ul sau selectând una dintre celulele din setul de date și apăsând Ctrl + A de pe tastatură.
How to Open Microsoft Edge Using Command Prompt on Windows 10
Puteți lansa aplicații și programe folosind Promptul de comandă – iar Microsoft Edge nu face excepție. De asemenea, puteți utiliza promptul de comandă pentru a lansa Edge în modul de navigare InPrivate, pentru a deschide un site web specific sau pentru a restabili sesiunea anterioară. Iată cum.
Pentru a lansa Microsoft Edge utilizând promptul de comandă, va trebui să fie deja descărcat și instalat Edge. Acești pași funcționează atât pentru Legacy Edge, cât și pentru Edge bazat pe Chromium.