Erorile HAL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED duc de-obicei intr-un BSOD si restart. Iar de cele mai multe ori, instantele de BSOD sunt cauzate de drivere invechite, care nu mai sunt utilizate. Asadar trebuie verificat statusul driverelor.
Rezolvarea erorii C00D11B1 in Windows Media Player
Ce cauzeaza eroarea C00D11B1:
- Registrii corupti sau deteriorati in urma unui update recent.
- Fisiere asociate Windows Media Player sterse din greseala sau malitios.
- Instalarea incompleta sau descarcarea corupta a programului.
- Fisiere infectate sau malware.
- Setari incorecte de Proxy si UDP
Rezolvare “Steam needs to be online to update”
Cum rezolvi eroarea ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in Chrome
Fix Windows 10 corrupted desktop icons
Windows users often complain about corrupted desktop icons. The icons that Windows uses for your documents and programs are saved in an icon cache, so they can be displayed quickly instead of having to slowly load them every time. If for any reason, one or more Windows icons are corrupted, you can repair them by rebuilding the icon cache.
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Fix corrupted Windows 7 desktop icons
Windows users often complain about corrupted desktop icons. The icons that Windows uses for your documents and programs are saved in an icon cache, so they can be displayed quickly instead of having to slowly load them every time. If for any reason, one or more Windows icons are corrupted, you can repair them by rebuilding the icon cache.
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How to enable Legacy Boot in Windows 10
Most of the contemporary configurations support both Legacy BIOS and UEFI booting options. And the latter is the default version. However, if you have a Windows 10 installation drive with an MBR (Master Boot Record) partitioning style, you won’t be able to boot and install it in the UEFI boot mode.
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How to fix iCloud error 2343 in Windows 10
One of the most common errors that occur with iCloud in Windows 10 goes by the code 2343. Basically, it prompts you that you’re unable to either uninstall the iCloud desktop app or update it.
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