Cum rezolvam: “something is wrong with one of your data files” Outlook
Aceasta problema apare in momentul in care persoana incearca sa deschida outlook.
[mai mult...]Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
Aceasta problema apare in momentul in care persoana incearca sa deschida outlook.
[mai mult...]If you’d like to get someone’s attention in an email message, you can type the @ symbol, followed by their name, in the email message. If you do this Outlook will automatically add them to the To line of the email and they’ll see the @ symbol next to the message in their Inbox.
[mai mult...]You can delay the delivery of a message for a specified time after you click Send.
*Note: Outlook must be online and connected for this feature to work.
[mai mult...]Dupa cum stim, Outlook va salva automat memoria cache de completare automata si apoi va lista cache-ul de completare automata cand tastati litere asociate in campul Catre/Cc/Bcc din e-mail. V-ati gandit vreodata sa copiati sau sa exportati fisierul cu lista de completare automata din Outlook?
[mai mult...]