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Cum introducem un caracter special in Libre Office Calc

Libre Office Calc – parte componenta a pachetului Libre Office, este o alternativa free a Microsoft Office Excel.

Sa presupunem ca dorim sa introducem intr-o celula un caracter special de care avem nevoie. Desi caracterele speciale sunt mai des folosite in editoarele de text, este bine sa stim ca avem aceasta optiune si in aplicatia Calc.

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Unlock your iPhone using Voice Command

In an increasingly connected and technological world, unlocking our devices with a single touch or a simple glance has become an integral part of our daily lives. However, technological advancements continue to amaze us, ushering us into a new chapter of human-machine interaction. Today, I will present an incredibly way to unlock your iPhone, one that will completely change how you interact with your device.

Follow the steps below to unlock your iPhone using just your voice, opening up a whole world of opportunities at the command of your voice.

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