
Server Windows 51 Solutii

Server Linux 17 Solutii

Cum schimbam parola userului root via SSH – MySQL Server

Dupa ce instalm  server pe LinuxFreeBSDOpenBSD, etc UNIX, primul lucru pe care ar trebui sa-l facem este sa ne setam o parola pentru user-ul “root“. Acest user “vine” odata cu MySQL, el neavand nicio legatura cu user-ul “root” al server-ului. Multi incepatori incearca sa se conecteze la MySQL cu user-ul root, folosit parola serverului / sistemului, si bineinteles ca raspunsul este “Access Denied“.

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Modify your hosts file Linux

Modifying your hosts file enables you to override the DNS for a domain, on that particular machine. This is useful when you want to test your site without the test link, prior to going live with SSL; verify that an alias site works, prior to DNS changes; and for other DNS-related reasons. Modifying your hosts file causes your local machine to look directly at the IP address specified.

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