Shorcut accesare Search Box din File Explorer in Windows 10
Search Box-ul din File Explorer ne permite sa cautam fisiere dintr-o anumita locatie. Putem cauta dupa numele fisierului, dupa extensie, etc.
[mai mult...]Soluții pentru problemele tale IT
Search Box-ul din File Explorer ne permite sa cautam fisiere dintr-o anumita locatie. Putem cauta dupa numele fisierului, dupa extensie, etc.
[mai mult...]Cred ca cea mai folosita modalitate de a inchide o fereastra de File Explorer este apasarea butonul Close (X) din coltul dreapta sus. Mai avem si combinatia de taste Alt + F4 care face acelasi lucru. Va voi arata o a treia modalitate pe care probabil nu o vom folosi atat de des, dar este bine sa stim ca exista.
[mai mult...]Here’s why a VPN is so useful:
Enhanced Privacy: Using a VPN is like wearing a mask online. It hides your real IP address, making it appear as if you’re browsing from the location of the VPN server. This keeps your online activity more private and harder to track.
Encrypted Messages: Imagine scrambling your messages so only the intended recipient can understand them. That’s what encryption does! When you use a VPN, your internet traffic is encrypted, making it unreadable to anyone trying to snoop on your connection. This is especially important when using public Wi-Fi networks.
Bypassing Restrictions: Sometimes, websites or online content might be restricted based on your location. A VPN can help you access these by virtually placing you in a different location (the location of the VPN server).
[mai mult...]Run-ul este un tool pe care il folosim des in activitatea de suport tehnic si nu numai.
O fereastra Run o putem deschide in doua moduri: fie in bara de Search cautam dupa cuvantul cheie “run”, fie folosind un keyboard shortcut.
[mai mult...]Here’s why a VPN is so useful:
Enhanced Privacy: Using a VPN is like wearing a mask online. It hides your real IP address, making it appear as if you’re browsing from the location of the VPN server. This keeps your online activity more private and harder to track.
Encrypted Messages: Imagine scrambling your messages so only the intended recipient can understand them. That’s what encryption does! When you use a VPN, your internet traffic is encrypted, making it unreadable to anyone trying to snoop on your connection. This is especially important when using public Wi-Fi networks.
Bypassing Restrictions: Sometimes, websites or online content might be restricted based on your location. A VPN can help you access these by virtually placing you in a different location (the location of the VPN server).
[mai mult...]Reasons to Consider Disabling Windows 11 Device Encryption
Device encryption can enhance security, but it may also impact performance, compatibility, and data recovery. If you’re dealing with a slow device, encountering software issues, or prioritizing data accessibility over security, disabling encryption might be worth considering. However, doing so significantly increases the risk of unauthorized access to your data. Carefully evaluate your needs and consult with a security expert before making a decision.
[mai mult...]