Lockwise feature in Mozilla FireFox Browser
In this age of the increased significance of cyber security, the browser assumes greater significance in securing our virtual identity. Despite being one of the best web browsers in terms of performance with a friendly user interface, firefox has maintained itself as a leader in robust security aspects. One of these, Lockwise, is a highly effective means aimed at improving users’ comfort and confidentiality.
[mai mult...]Bookmark in Mozilla Firefox Browser
A bookmark is a place holder for a web page that will create a shortcut for quick access to that web page. You can access that bookmark at any time instead of having to browse to it or enter long URLs. You can easily manage your bookmark lists as most browsers provide numerous advanced bookmarks features for viewing, sorting, and saving your bookmarks.
[mai mult...]How to fix SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG on Mozilla Firefox ?
Firefox SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG message is displayed because a certain mis-configuration has been occurred on the server. Most of the time, because of the following two reasons, the SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG error message is displayed from the server-side:
- The listening port is misconfigured. For example, the website you may want to establish a secure connection is not configured to use Port 443.
- Adequate TLS version may not be supported by your system.
Free download of previous versions of Futuremark products
For various reasons, we may want to employ the well-known 3DMark or PCMark applications even if their versions are not updated; however they have guaranteed support for outdated platforms as well as the ability to configure test scenarios in an advanced way.
[mai mult...]Checking components’ performance using Passmark PerformanceTest
Even now we can still observe significant performance differences between systems having “apparently” similar components; an example of a tool that can help us determine the reasons for these differences is the “benchmarking” application (measuring work speed in predetermined tasks and generating a score based on it) offered by Passmark, PerformanceTest.
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