
Activare/dezactivare rapida Windows 10 Features folosind Run v.2

Run ne poate ajuta sa accesam rapid fereastra Windows Features, de unde putem activa sau dezactiva un feature. Run este un tool integrat in Windows pe care il folosim des in activitatea noastra pentru a accesa rapid diverse programe, Windows features sau cu care putem rula diverse comenzi.

Intr-un articol anterior le-am accesat din Run folosind comanda optionalfeatures, dar acum vom folosi o a doua comanda si anume control appwiz.cpl,,2.

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Generate Images in iPhone’s Messages App using DALL·E

With iOS 18.2, Apple introduced ChatGPT integration with Apple Intelligence to expand the range of AI capabilities accessible to users on supported iPhone models. One skill in particular that you may not be aware of is the ability to generate images in the Messages app, ready for sharing. ChatGPT leverages DALL·E to generate the images, and the results are almost invariably better than Apple’s Image Playground. Keep reading to learn how it’s done.

If you have Apple Intelligence enabled on an iPhone 15 Pro or iPhone 16, setting up ChatGPT integration requires just a few steps, and you can begin without even having a ChatGPT account. You can always start with the basic setup and upgrade to a connected account later if needed, although in our tests there isn’t too much difference between them when used within the context of daily iPhone usage.

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Cum redam toate formatele media cunoscute

ALLPlayer este un program popular care ne permite sa vizionam orice format de filme. Acesta va reda toate formatele media cunoscute si include o functie LiveUpdate implementata, astfel incat sa avem intotdeauna cele mai recente codecuri la indemana daca exista o problema la deschiderea unui fisier video.

De asemenea, acest program va cauta automat subtitrari care se potrivesc in toate limbile. Diferenta dintre ALLPlayer si ale altor programe asemanatoare este ca foloseste DirectX, facand posibila redarea oricarui film, de asemenea, este integrat cu o aplicatie de sintetizator de vorbire, care ne va permite sa vizionam filme subtitrate cu un cititor (dublare).

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