Cum se creeaza adresa de email pe Exchange 2013
Pentru a crea un user nou in Exchange 2013 avem urmatorii pasi
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Pentru a crea un user nou in Exchange 2013 avem urmatorii pasi
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You can use Share Play to play with a friend as if you were in the same room. It allows you to invite a visitor to view your screen for up to 60 minutes a session. If you are stuck in a game or want the visitor to try a game, Share Play allows you to hand over your controller to a visitor so they can play instead. You can also invite your visitor to play a local multiplayer session over the internet even if the game does not support online multiplayer. The visitor does not need to own the game to use Share Play.
To get the best experience from Share Play, both you and your friend will need a high speed internet connection. The conditions surrounding the home network of each player may also impact internet connectivity. As a guide a minimum connection speed of at least a 2Mbps is recommended. To check your upload speed, please check with your network service provider.
Simply press the SHARE button at any time, ‘Go to Party for Share Play’ and select the ‘Give Controller to Visitor’ option. On the next Screen you can chose to ‘Allow the Visitor to Play as You’. This hands over the controller and the visitor can now play the game while you watch. You can take back control at any time by pressing the SHARE button, accessing the Share Play menu and selecting ‘Take Back Controller’
Access the Share menu by pressing the SHARE button and select “Go to Party for Share Play”. Choose ‘Give Controller to Visitor’ and select ‘Play a Game Together’. Now an additional controller has been added to the game. You can play a game together or against each other. Depending on the title you might need to choose the controls in the games menu just as you were playing next to each other with two controllers.
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