
Utilizare dictionar si translator Lingoes

Acest tutorial are rolul de a ilustra utilizarea dictionarelor si multi-translatorului gratuit Lingoes direct de pe calculatorul personal cu sistem de operare Windows. Lingoes Translator este un program gratuit util tuturor celor care doresc sa aiba la indemana mai multe dictionare virtuale si un multi-translator eficient care sa ajute in orice situatie.

Lingoes Translator reprezinta un program gratuit dedicat tuturor tipurilor de utilizatori ce inglobeaza dictionare virtuale pentru peste 60 de limbi, alaturi de un multi-translator, atat offline cat si online, compatibil cu peste 80 de limbi. De asemenea, dictionarul si translatorul gratuit Lingoes suporta descarcarea si instalarea separata a dictionarelor dorite, traducerea textelor lungi si a expresiilor, traducerea textelor selectate din browser, pronuntia cuvintelor, a expresiilor si multe alte functii.

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Create an image of a VM using Powershell in Azure

Creating an image directly from the VM ensures that the image includes all of the disks associated with the VM, including the OS disk and any data disks. This example shows how to create a managed image from a VM that uses managed disks.

Before you begin, make sure that you have the latest version of the AzureRM.Compute PowerShell module, which must be version 5.7.0 or later. To find the version, run Get-Module -ListAvailable AzureRM.Compute in PowerShell. If you need to upgrade, see Install Azure PowerShell on Windows with PowerShellGet. If you are running PowerShell locally, run Connect-AzureRmAccount to create a connection with Azure.

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