
Editing values from hidden addresses in RegEdit

In some situations, we need to make changes in the registry editor at addresses that are implicitly inaccessible. Such an example can be seen in the following screenshot:

To gain access, we will need to run regedit as the “system” user – we have chosen the nirsoft AdvancedRun utility because the reputation of the creator shows a high degree of trust, including due to his long presence on the Internet.

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Cateva instrumente pentru observarea timpilor de tranzitie a pixelilor ecranelor

Unul dintre parametrii importanti in alegerea unui monitor tine de timpii de tranzitie ai pixelilor de la o culoare la alta. Subiectul a fost si este abordat intensiv dar acum avem ocazia sa ne raportam cu usurinta la un instrument de masurare, sau mai precis scenario comun: testele oferite de blurbusters.

Blurbusters se disting prin popularizarea terminologiilor importante pentru masurarea “claritatii imaginii in miscare”, ce depinde bineinteles de tehnologia ecranului utilizat. Momentan acestea nu prezinta interes, ci doar cunoasterea instrumentelor puse la dispozitie de catre ei.

Un exemplu ar fi celebrul test “testufo”:

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Stress testing of main storage without the use of third-party applications

An example of a useful tool in diagnosing hardware and stability problems is the (thermal) stress load of the device’s components. This is the last part and a continuation of the article “Stress test of the graphics processor (GPU) without the use of third-party applications”, instead applied to permanent storage, together with a substitute for one of the previously proposed methods.

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