
Review Nokia 6.1

Nokia 6 a fost un smartphone foarte apreciat la momentul lansării, acesta fiind unul dintre cele mai bine construite modele de pe piaţă. HMD a păstrat design-ul cu margini drepte exclusiv pentru seria 6, noul Nokia 6.1 fiind mai degrabă un rafinament decât o adevărată revoluţie. Avem de a face cu o construcţie monobloc din aluminiu, cu margini teşite, acestea fiind vopsite într-o nuanţă arămie, similară cu cea de pe Nokia 7 Plus, testat în urmă cu câteva luni. Senzorul de amprentă a fost mutat de sub display pe spatele dispozitivului, sub camera foto, care acum beneficiază de optică ZEISS.

Acest model este unul dintre puţinele de pe piaţă care încă foloseşte vechiul format 16:9 pentru display, care ar putea fi considerat învechit de unii dintre utilizatori. Acest lucru înseamnă însă că cei care nu îşi doresc un telefon prea înalt, au acum o alternativă ieftină, cu un display nici prea mare, nici prea mic (diagonală de 5,5”). Asemeni oricărui telefon modern, Nokia 6.1 beneficiază însă de un port USB Type-C, însă vine şi cu ceva ce nu se mai găseşte pe multe modele: un jack audio de 3,5mm.

În trecut, telefoanele cu ecrane de 5,5” erau considerate mari, însă Nokia 6.1 pare chiar mic în comparaţie cu alte modele şi poate fi folosit mult mai uşor cu o singură mână, chiar şi partea de sus find relativ uşor de accesat cu degetul mare fără prea mult efort. După utilizarea multor telefoane cu spate din sticlă, acesta pare să fie o briză de aer proaspăt, marginile drepte şi textura metalică conferind o senzaţie de încredere.

Nokia 6.1 nu pare să fie nici fragil şi nici nu pare să alunece în orice moment din mâna utilizatorului. Acest lucru nu înseamnă că ar putea fi mai rezistent la căzături, ecranul fiind acoperit tot cu sticlă, însă există un risc mai mic ca o componentă să se spargă (spatele) în cazul unui accident. De asemenea, telefonul este bine balansat din punct de vedere al greutăţii, fiind la limita între uşor şi greu pentru dimensiunile sale.

Un singur aspect negativ ar fi de menţionat la capitolul construcţie: motoraşul pentru vibraţii este deranjant. Fie am avut noi de a face cu un model cu probleme, fie HMD a ales un motoraş slab. Poate fi simţită o vibraţie neobişnuită, de calitate slabă, care contrazice aspectul bine închegat al dispozitivului.



Ecran 5,5”, IPS, rezoluţie 1.920 x 1,080 pixeli
Sistem de operare Android 8.1 (Android One)
Chipset Snapdragon 630
Procesor octa-core (8 x Cortex-A53)
Procesor grafic Adreno 508
Stocare 32 GB
Card da, comun cu SIM2
Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
Bluetooth 5.0
USB USB Type-C, USB 2.0
Cameră foto cameră 16 MP (1,0 nm), f/2.0, blitz LED
Filmare video 3840 x 2160 pixeli @ 30 FPS
Cameră foto frontală 8 MP, f/2.0 (filmare 1080p @ 30 FPS)
Baterie 3.000 mAh
Dimensiuni 148,8 x 75,8 x 8,2 mm
Greutate 172 grame
Culori Black/Copper
Altele încărcare rapidă, NFC, Dual SIM (dual stand-by), radio FM, senzor de amprentă


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Disable Nagle`s Algorithm

Nagle Algorithm: It is mean to develop the efficiency of TCP/ IP networks by reducing the number of packets that required sending over the network. This is designed by an engineer named John Nagle so; it is named as Nagle Algorithm. It works by combining very little data packets together but frequently at the expense of real-time responsiveness as the algorithm delays in sending small outgoing messages until they together reach the desired amount of bytes to make them “worth” sending. Nagle Algorithm is enabled by default in Windows 7 and the succeeding versions. This algorithm was designed to avoid problems like small packets known as tinygrams, on slow networks. The algorithm says that TCP/IP connection can have only one outstanding small segment that has not yet been acknowledged. The definition of “small” differs but generally it is defined as “less than the segment size”, which on ethernet is about 1500 bytes. Nagle’s algorithm facilitates in controlling blocking when small packets are sent constantly by TCP. And when it is enabled, this helps to prevent a flood of these packets.

But the users are not very satisfied with this algorithm. Some of the networked video games multiplayer suffer from the Nagle’s algorithm, as these programs believe that gaming actions are sent without any delay coupled packets. So, it is found that disabling the algorithm helps in removing the stuttering time delays in gaming known as latency.

Disabling the Nagle Algorithm is important to get a free-flow of data protocol through the network, thus for promoting the internet speed operations. Disabling Nagle algorithm helps to optimize the Internet speed or slow network application, and avoid the lower gaming latency/ping. But before moving further, it is important to recognize the suitable NIC interface.


Network Interface Controller (NIC is known as network interface card, network adapter, LAN adapter or physical network interface). This is a computer hardware component that connects a PC to a PC network. A system might have multiple internet connections and for each connection, Windows Registry builds an individual NIC interface or NIC-ID. This ID is presented in the form of the cryptic combination of letters and numbers, enclosed in braces. For recognizing the suitable NIC-ID it is required to obtain the IP address of current or active internet connection.

Follow the steps to recognize the suitable NIC Interface

• In the search box type ‘CMD’ and press Enter to open Command Prompt
• Then on the black screen, type ‘IPCONFIG’ and hit Enter to view info on your active connection
• Find and write down IP address, displayed next to IPv4 Address, under Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection
• And Exit Command Prompt

Simply by modifying the registry, the Nagle algorithm can be disabled. But before moving further it is recommended to remember the IP address, by following the above steps. And after follow the steps given below.

• In the search box type ‘REGEDIT’ and press Enter for opening the Windows Registry Editor
• Then, in the left pane, expand through HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE to achieve the following key

The key might contain several NICs, this depends upon the number of internet connections have been used. So to disable the Nagle-Algorithm of the correct internet profile it is required to access the correct NIC-ID. And to do this click any interface key and locate and then match the IP address with the one noted in the earlier section, in the right pane of Registry Editor. It is possible to exist within a string Value, named ‘IPAddress’ or ‘DhcpIPAddress’.

And as it is found, continue in the same key > in the left pane of registry editor

  • In the empty space right-click, and select New for creating two DWORD Values
  • And rename these values as ‘TcpAckFrequency’ (sending out packets immediately)
  • and ‘TCPNoDelay’ (Disabling Nagle-Algorithm)
  • Next, double click both the entries for Modifying
  • And to activate them put 1 as their Value data > click OK for saving the changes
  • Close Registry Editor, and Reboot your Computer

Well, by following the process you can easily disable Nagle Algorithm in Windows 10. However, it is also essential to inform you this is an essential Windows tool and needed to be reactivated for a proficient portion of work. You can disable the algorithm temporary as disabling it permanently might have a visible influence on the regular bandwidth. So, as you are done with your work, just reverse the settings by changing the data of two newly created values to 0.





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How to Add an Expiration Date to Emails in Outlook (and What They’re For)

Outlook va permite sa adaugati o data de expirare la e-mailurile pe care le trimiteti sau le primiti. Dupa expirarea termenului de expirare, e-mailul va fi afisat cu formatare diferita si puteti utiliza instrumentele integrate ale Outlook pentru a gestiona automat e-mailurile expirate.

Datele de expirare se aplica numai in cazul e-mailurilor, nu al evenimentelor din calendar sau al sarcinilor, deoarece aceste elemente au propriile date pe care le puteti utiliza pentru a le gestiona.

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