Acest lucru vă va permite să activați o fereastră trecând cu mouse-ul peste ea, cu indicatorul mouse-ului pentru o secundă, pentru a facilita comutarea între ferestrele deschise.
Dacă calculatorul tău are mai multe sisteme de operare instalate dar nu toate sunt disponibile pentru pornire, folosește parametrul bootrec.exe/ScanOS.
It’s really annoying when you’re trying to re-read an eBook and your Kindle or Kindle app keeps trying to get you to jump to the end because that’s the “Furthest Location Read.” Here’s how to fix it.
For some weird reason, there’s no way to reset your furthest read location on a Kindle or in the app; you have to go to the Amazon website. In theory, once you say “No” your Kindle should stop bugging you to jump ahead but I’ve had issues with it in the past.