
Accidentally lost Data while moving Files on Windows? Here are your recovery options

If you can’t find a specific file or folder after relocating your data from one drive to another, recheck the source and destination folders to ensure the data is actually missing. It’s possible that the files weren’t moved from the source drive, or an interruption during the transfer may have prevented the files from being properly copied to the destination folder.

If you’ve transferred data to an external drive, try disconnecting and reconnecting it, then double-check for the files again. You’ll likely find the files or folders you’re looking for on one of the drives, eliminating the need for further troubleshooting. If not, go to the next step.

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How to Install Apple Maps on Windows

Apple Maps has an official web app, available on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Here’s how to install it on your Windows PC for easy access.

Apple released a public beta of Apple Maps on the web in July 2024, marking the first time the Maps service was available on non-Apple devices. It’s still not the full experience you’d get on an iPhone or Mac, but you can look up locations, check routes, and view location information like opening hours and phone numbers.

How to Install Apple Maps

First, open Microsoft Edge on your Windows PC. You can search for “Edge” in the Start Menu to find it. Next, open the address in the address bar. That will open the Apple Maps web app.

Apple Maps web app screenshot.
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Cum compilezi si instalezi httpd din codul sursa

Instalarea din codul sursă poate fi preferată din următoarele două motive principale:

  1. Personalizare și Optimizare:
    • Control Detaliat: Instalarea din codul sursă permite utilizatorului să modifice și să optimizeze programul pentru nevoile specifice. Poți ajusta setările de compilare, optimiza pentru anumite arhitecturi de hardware sau integra mai bine cu alte componente software din sistem.
    • Caracteristici Personalizate: Poți include sau exclude anumite funcționalități ale programului care nu sunt disponibile în versiunea binară standard, adaptând astfel software-ul la cerințele tale specifice.
  2. Acces la Versiuni și Fixuri Actualizate:
    • Ultimele Versiuni și Fixuri: De multe ori, versiunea binară a unui software poate să nu includă cele mai recente actualizări sau fixuri de securitate. Instalând din codul sursă, ai acces la cea mai nouă versiune a codului, inclusiv la ultimele îmbunătățiri și corecții de erori.
    • Compatibilitate: Dacă un software are probleme de compatibilitate cu anumite versiuni de biblioteci sau dependințe pe care le folosești, poți ajusta codul sursă pentru a rezolva aceste probleme și pentru a asigura o integrare mai bună cu restul sistemului tău.
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How to use Google Chrome on Steam Deck

The Steam Deck can do much more than you’d expect at first glance. It’s not just a gaming handheld, it’s a Linux-based computer with controllers attached. However, it might not be immediately obvious where to find certain apps and programs on Steam Deck that you’re used to using on your phone or PC. For instance, knowing how to access Google Chrome isn’t intuitive, at first.

It turns out, it’s very easy to set up Google Chrome on Valve’s handheld, as long as you know how to do it. Without further ado, here are the step-by-step instructions for how to install and use Google Chrome on Steam Deck.

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