
Eliminare sigura USB din Command Prompt

  1. Tastatidiskpart si asteptati sa apara prompt-ul de  DISKPART>
  2. Tastati     list volume
  3. Notati numarul volumului aferent dispozitivului USB – CU ATENTIE e for help)
  4. Tastati select volume <number>, unde  <number> este numarul notat mai devreme – aferent dispozitivului USB
  5. Tastati remove all dismount
  6. Tastati exit pentru a iesi din  Diskpart.
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Cum schimbi parola pentru aplicația Notițe pe iPhone

În era digitală, securitatea informațiilor personale este esențială. iPhone-ul tău îți oferă opțiuni avansate pentru protejarea datelor, iar aplicația Notițe nu face excepție. Fie că utilizezi Notițe pentru a stoca idei, liste de sarcini sau informații sensibile, schimbarea regulată a parolei este o măsură importantă de securitate.

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Cum planifici opriri multiple pe drumul tău cu Waze

În era tehnologiei avansate, planificarea călătoriilor a devenit mai simplă și mai eficientă datorită aplicațiilor de navigație inteligente.

Waze, una dintre cele mai populare aplicații de acest tip, nu doar că oferă direcții precise, dar și posibilitatea de a adăuga opriri multiple pe traseu. Această funcționalitate este esențială pentru cei care doresc să optimizeze călătoriile, să economisească timp și să își gestioneze mai bine opririle planificate, fie că sunt într-o excursie de o zi, fie că au mai multe întâlniri în diverse locații.

Vom explora pașii necesari pentru a adăuga opriri multiple în Waze, avantajele acestei funcționalități și cum poate contribui la o experiență de navigare mai plăcută și mai eficientă.

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4 Ways to make a Window always-on-Top on Windows 10 or Windows 11

We recommend Microsoft PowerToys for keeping a window always on top. Microsoft PowerToys is a free, open-source package full of powerful Windows utilities developed by Microsoft. The Always-on-Top PowerToy provides an easy, convenient, official way of making any window always on top, and it works on both Windows 10 and Windows 11.

To make a window always on top, install and launch Microsoft PowerToys. Press Windows+Ctrl+T to make the current window always on top. A blue border will appear on the window, and a sound will play. Press Windows+Ctrl+T to undo your change and make Windows treat the window normally.

A window made always on top with PowerToys on Windows 11.

You can customize this behavior by launching the PowerToys Settings window. To do so, launch “PowerToys” from the Windows Start menu or click the PowerToys icon in your taskbar’s notification area and click the gear-shaped Settings icon.

Select “Always on Top” in the sidebar. If the keyboard shortcut didn’t work, ensure the “Always on Top” PowerToy is enabled at the top here. You can use the options here to change the keyboard shortcut, control whether a colored border appears around the window and customize that border, choose whether the sound plays, and configure windows that will never be made always on top.

The Always On Top in PowerToys.

We’re big fans of Microsoft PowerToys. The package is full of other useful utilities, and there’s a good chance you’ll find something else useful in it, too.

With a Keyboard Shortcut: AutoHotkey

Using the excellent and useful AutoHotkey program, you can make a simple script that sets your currently active window to be always on top when you press a certain key combination. The resulting script is lightweight and won’t use much resources or add unnecessary clutter to your system. You can even use AutoHotkey to compile the script to its own executable if you don’t want to keep the full AutoHotkey program running—or if you want an easy way to carry the script with you to other PCs.

First, you’ll need download and install AutoHotkey.

When that’s done, you’ll need to create a new script (if you already use AutoHotkey, feel free to add this to a current script or create a new one). To create a new script, right-click anywhere on your desktop or in a File Explorer window, point to the “New” menu, and then select the “AutoHotkey Script” option.

Select 'New,' then select 'AutoHotKey Script.'

Give the new script file whatever name you want, click then click “Edit.” When prompted, open the script in Notepad.

Name your script, then click 'Edit.'

In the Notepad window, paste the following line of code at the bottom. You can then save and close the script.

    WinSetAlwaysOnTop -1, "A"

Next, double-click your script to run it. You’ll know it’s running because a green “H” logo appears in your system tray to let you know it’s running as a background process.

The icon turns green when the script is active.

You can now press Ctrl+Space to set any currently active window to be always on top. Press Ctrl+Space again set the window to no longer be always on top.

And if you don’t like the Ctrl+Space combination, you can change the ^SPACE part of the script to set a new keyboard shortcut. Consult the Hotkeys documentation on AutoHotkey’s website for help.

Using a Mouse: DeskPins

If you prefer using a mouse over keyboard shortcuts, DeskPins provides a super simple way to make windows always on top by just pinning them.

First, you’ll need to download and install DeskPins. After installation, go ahead and run DeskPins. You’ll see that it adds a pin icon to your system tray.

Note the pin icon on the taskbar.

When you have a window you want to pin to be always on top, click that system tray icon. Your pointer turns into a pin, and you can then click any window to pin it so that it’s always on top. Pinned windows actually have a red pin added to the title bar, so that you can tell easily which windows are pinned and which are not.

The pin icon visible on the titlebar.

To remove a pin from a window, move your mouse over the pin. Your pointer will show a small “X” on it to let you know you’re about to remove the pin. And if you want to remove pins from all windows you’ve pinned at once, right-click the system tray icon, and then choose the “Remove All Pins” option.

Right-click the icon on the Taskbar, then select 'Remove All Pins.'

Without Installing Anything Extra: Built-in App Options

Many apps have built-in options so that you can set their windows to become always on top. You often find these options in media players, system utilities, and other tools that you might want to see all the time. Programs that accept plug-ins may also have an always-on-top plugin you can install.

The Windows Task Manager is one built-in application that has this option on Windows 10 and Windows 11, for example. To make the Task Manager always-on-top on Windows 10, click Options > Always on Top in the Task Manager window. (If you don’t see the Options menu at the top of the window, click “More details” at the bottom.)

To make the Task Manager always-on-top on Windows 11, open the Task Manager’s menu, select “Settings,” and check “Always on top” under Window management. The Task Manager will remember this setting for the future.

Enable the 'Always on top' checkbox in the Settings tab.

In addition to these apps, some bigger, more fully-featured window and desktop utilities also offer the ability to make windows always on top. DisplayFusion, for example, offers the feature (even in its free version), but also provides tools for managing multiple monitors, controlling the desktop and windows in all kinds of ways, and even tweaking other Windows settings. Actual Window Manager offers the feature, too, and also adds over 50 other desktop management tools. If you already use one of those—or are interested in those other features—then by all means give them a try.

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How to Fix a DPC Watchdog violation in Windows 10 or Windows 11

Dealing with blue screen errors is never fun, but it’s worse when you have no idea what’s caused it in the first place. One particular head-scratcher is the DPC Watchdog Violation, which can be caused for a number of reasons.

It’s a fairly common error, and it was especially common when Windows 10 was first released. If you’ve had Windows 10 or Windows 11 for a long time though, then perhaps your issue is because of a new storage device or faulty application. We’ve listed out numerous ways to help you solve this problem, so don’t worry.

What is DPC Watchdog

A violation of the DPC Watchdog protocol means that your PC’s watchdog, a utility that monitors for unresponsive programs, has been overwhelmed. It usually results in a memory dump and the dreaded blue screen of death.

Although Microsoft released an update to fix major DPC Watchdog issues, the problem can still prevail to this day. The most common reason why this happens is because you’ve installed hardware or software components that your operating system can’t communicate with.

Why am I getting a DPC Watchdog Error?

The most common cause is having device drivers with the graphics card and SSD that are outdated or installed incorrectly. Software conflicts could also be a culprit. However, high-level software conflicts are much less likely to be the cause than drivers.

It’s one of the more ambiguous errors that your PC can run into, so buckle up. You may need to go through an extensive list of potential causes before finally figuring out how to fix a DPC Watchdog Violation in Windows 10 or Windows 11.

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