
How to fix Blue Frames on iPad Screen

When using an iPad, you might notice blue frames appearing around the screen elements. This often happens when Full Keyboard Access is enabled. Full Keyboard Access is an accessibility feature that allows users to control the ‌iPad‌ using a keyboard. The blue frames indicate which element is currently focused and can be interacted with via the keyboard.

Causes of Blue Frames Appearing on iPad
In iPadOS, the blue frames are part of Full Keyboard Access feature, which is designed to help users who rely on a keyboard to navigate their ‌iPad‌. When this feature is turned on, a blue frame highlights the currently selected item on the screen, indicating where keyboard actions will be applied.

The blue frames can sometimes appear unexpectedly when you connect an ‌iPad‌ to a Magic Keyboard or another accessory that connects via the Smart Connector at the rear. If you want them gone, here’s what to do.
How to Disable Full Keyboard Access
If you prefer not to see these blue frames and do not need Full Keyboard Access, you can disable the feature by following these steps:

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Cum stergem istoricul de navigare Mozila Firefox

Deschidem Mozila și apăsăm pe cele 3 lini din drepata sus, apoi click pe Istoric (History)

Apăsăm pe Șterge Istoricul recent

Din meniul When putem selecta de când dorim să ștergem istoricul. Selectăm varianta dorită bifăm Browser history dacă nu e deja (Cookies și Temporary cached e opțional) și apoi apăsăm Clear.

Istoricul a fost sters.

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Python | Automating Happy Birthday post on Facebook using Selenium

As we know Selenium is a tool used for controlling web browsers through a program. It can be used in all browsers, OS, and its program are written in various programming languages i.e Java, Python (all versions).

Selenium helps us automate any kind of task that we frequently do on our laptops, PCs ranging from using Facebook messenger for texting and WhatsApp also, daily tweeting tweets on Twitter, wishing friends “Happy birthday” on Facebook, googling anything we want to learn, and many more task. All these tasks can be automated using selenium in just a small implementation.

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Facebook Login using Python

Python scripting is one of the most intriguing and fascinating things to do meanwhile learning Python. Automation and controlling the browser is one of them. In this particular article, we will see how to log in to the Facebook account using Python and the power of selenium.

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