
Cum vizualizam Windows Experience Index in Windows 10 si 11

Aplicatia Freeware ExperienceIndexOK este scrisa in primul rand pentru MS Windows 11, 10, 8.1, deoarece indicele de performanta este calculat de sistemul de operare, dar indicele de performanta nu mai este afisat in sistemul Windows.
Cateva caracteristici ale acestuia sunt:
– Categoria Instrumente de testare pentru Windows
– Caracteristica optionala de traducere
– Mic ca dimensiune, mare ca experienta
– Utilizare redusa a procesorului
– Program portabil Windows
– Multilingv
– Freeware

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Vmware Networking – create an virtual switch

Creating a Distributed Virtual Switch

1. In vCenter, select “Home” and then “Networking.” Click the datacenter on which the host or hosts reside.

2. Select from the toolbar the icon to launch the Create vNetwork Distributed Switch wizard. Name the vNetwork. Click “Next.”

3. Select each host to associate with the DvSwitch, and then select which network adapters to use with each ESX/ESXi host. Choose multiple network adapters to create uplink groups and provide load balancing and fault tolerance to a host. Make sure to select the correct network adapters during the creation process, as reassigning the adapters is not a simple process. Click “Next.”

4. Click “Finish” to create the DvSwitch in vCenter.

  • Configuring DvSwitches and Port Groups

DvSwitches and vSwitches share most of the same options, but distributed switches offer a little bit more control over the operation of the vNetwork. To access the settings, right-click the virtual switch and then select “Edit Settings” from the context menu.

On the General tab are options to change the name of the switch and the number of dvUplinks connected to the vNetwork. On the Advanced tab are options to increase or decrease the maximum transmission unit (MTU), which limits packet size, and enable Cisco Discovery Protocol. In later versions of vSphere, you can also set up features like NetFlow, which analyzes network communications transmitted between virtual machines and physical networks; or port mirroring, which copies packets from one port to another for monitoring purposes.

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Probleme majore în actualizarea Windows 11 24H2

Windows 11 24H2, una dintre cele mai recente actualizări ale sistemului de operare Microsoft, a introdus o funcție esențială denumită „Checkpoint Cumulative Updates”. Această nouă funcționalitate promite să simplifice procesul de actualizare prin reducerea dimensiunii și a complexității actualizărilor cumulative, bazându-se pe puncte de control specifice. În teorie, acest model ar trebui să reducă riscurile de apariție a erorilor și să evite instalarea repetitivă a unor componente deja existente în sistem.

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Secure your Apple Account

Add Account Recovery Contacts:  Ensure you never get locked out of your account by adding family members or trusted people as Account Recovery Contacts. They’ll help you regain access if you ever need it.

Set Up Legacy Contacts: Through the Digital Legacy program, you can designate Legacy Contacts who can access your account and personal information if something ever happens to you.

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