VoIP and Collaboration

How to connect your Pc with your phone in order to make calls straight from it

If you’re spending a lot of your time taking phone calls while using your pc, you may often feel the need of an way that will allow you to do this without using your phone.

One application that allows you to do this is Remote Phone Call Trial.

1st thing you need to do is to install Remote Phone Call Trial from your Play Store. This is a 15 days trial version, but there is also a full version called Remote Phone Call which needs to be purchased.

After the installation is complete, tap on Install client software at the top of the screen, scroll down at Setup Transfer and choose one of the two methods for downloading the app on your computer.




















After installing and running the application on your pc, click on the Settings button at the top right corner of the window(Wrench Button), click on the + button under wi-fi and enter your phone IP address which can be found on your phone at the previous step.


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Cum sa restrictionezi posibilitatea utilizatorilor de a sterge sau edita mesajele trimise prin Microsoft Team sau Skype for Business

Sa presupunem ca avem o infrastructura in care o mare parte din comunicare este realizata prin Microsoft Skype for Business sau mai nou Microsoft Teams.

By default utilizatorii pot sterge sau edita mesajele ulterior trimiterii acestora. Putem dezactiva aceasta permisiune din centru de administrare Skype si Microsft Teams

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Ce inseamna licentele VUP ?

Licentele VUP (Version Upgrade License) sunt special concepute pentru Upgrade, adica pentru trecerea de la sistemul de operare anterior (Windows Vista) la Windows 7. Daca aveti un calculator cu licenta Windows Vista original puteti cumpara o licenta VUP pentru a face upgrade la Windows 7, dupa urmatoarea schema :

■ De la Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium la Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium;

■ De la Microsoft Windows Vista Business la Microsoft Windows 7 Professional;

■ De la Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate la Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate.

Acest tip de pachet de licenta se poate cumpara si fara calculator si face upgrade si pentru licente Vista OEM si pentru licente Vista Retail. Si aici avem aceeasi regula obligatorie: nu puteti folosi aceeasi licenta simultan pe mai multe calculatoare. Sistemul de licentiere Microsoft mai cuprinde si alte tipuri mai putin interesante pentru utilizatorul casnic obisnuit, cum ar fi licentele pentru Business, SA (Software Assurance), OLP (Open License Product), AE (Academic Edition) sau CAL (Client Access License).

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