Server Windows
Cum sa creezi un back up programat de SQL server folosind SQL server agent job
Se doreste crearea unui back-up al unei baze de date.
[mai mult...]How to send email on behalf of a Distribution Group
In order to do this, you have to go in active Directory Users and Computers, find the group for which you want to send as, go to Properties, Security tab, and click on Advanced.
Now, find the user to which you want to give permisssions to, or add it to the group if you haven`t done that already, and click on Edit.
On the new window check the Send as box , click OK, and then Apply. Keep in mind that this can take up to 48h to take effect, and it`s recommended to do so.
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Instalare server DNS BIND Chroot in Linux
Acest tutorial descrie cum să instalaţi serverul DNS BIND pe Debian Sarge 3.1, astfel încât acesta sa ruleze in mod chroot pentru motive de securitate.
[mai mult...]Cum creezi user local de administrator pe toate PC-urile din domeniu
Atunci cand in firma avem un domeniu, implicit un Active Directory, putem crea un user de administrator local pentru administrare, ce poate fi valabil pe toate PC-urile.
[mai mult...]Network Policy Server Service (IAS) nu porneste
Ai un Windows Server cu rolul Network Policy Server instalat.
Recent ai descoperit ca servicul pentru el nu mai ruleaza si nu poate fi pornit.
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