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Steps to resolve the error:
Quit Acrobat / Reader application if it’s already running.
Change the values of the User Agent registry entries from Internet Explorer (IE) to Chrome. This change will bypass the Dropbox server-side check of the non-supported IE browser.
Do the following:
- Open the registry editor – go to Run (Windows menu + R), type regedit.exe in the Open field and click OK.
- Go to the following location in the editor:
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent - In the right frame, double-click Default and enter the following in the Value data field and then click OK: Mozilla/5.0
- Add the following keys of type String Value:
- Right-click User Agent, point to New and then click String Value. A new key is added in the right frame. Rename it to Platform. Double-click Platform and enter the following in the Value data field and then click OK: Windows NT 10.1; Win64; x64
- Right-click User Agent, point to New and then click String Value. A new key is added in the right frame. Rename it to Version. Double-click Version and enter the following in the Value data field and then click OK: AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.106
The newly added registry keys under User Agent should look like as shown in the snapshot below.

e. Close the registry editor.
Open Acrobat / Reader, and then add your Dropbox account as suggested in the next section.
Notă: After you’re done adding your account, it’s recommended to remove the registry keys added in Step 2.
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