How do you install packages on Linux?

Configurare noua (How To)


Use apt on Debian-based systems to find and install DEB packages, or dnf (and its predecessor yum) on RPM-based systems like RedHat and Fedora.

  • Ubuntu: Use the Ubuntu Software app to install programs from packages. You’ll find it on the Dock or by searching for software in the Activities search bar.
  • Linux Mint: Use Software Manager, which comes with the Cinnamon desktop environment, to install applications and Flatpak packages. You’ll find it in your menu under Administration > Software Manager, or by typing software manager into the search bar.
  • Any distribution using the GNOME desktop environment: If you’re using Fedora, or any other Linux distribution and have the GNOME desktop environment, you can use the GNOME Software tool to install applications from your distribution’s repositories, as well as Flatpak and Snap packages. Just type software and clicking Software on the Activities screen.
  • Any distribution using the KDE desktop environment: Similar to GNOME, KDE has a software center called Discover.With Discover, you can install applications from your distribution’s own repositories, as well as Flatpak packages, Snaps, Plasma add-ons, and AppImages from


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