- Use the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut to open the Run command.
- Type regedit, and click OK to open the Registry.
- Browse the following path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
- nside the CurrentVersion (folder) key look for the RegisteredOwner String Value. If you don’t have the string, you’ll need to create it:
- Right-click on the CurrentVersion (folder) key, select New, and click on String Value.
- Name the new String Value RegisteredOwner and press Enter
- Right-click on the CurrentVersion (folder) key, select New, and click on String Value.
- Double-click the RegisteredOwner String Value and enter the registered owner information, which usually it’s just your name.
- Click OK.
- Inside the CurrentVersion (folder) key look for the RegisteredOrganization String Value. If you don’t have the string, you’ll need to create it: 1) Right-click on the CurrentVersion (folder) key, select New, and click on String Value.
- Name the new String Value RegisteredOrganization and press Enter.
- Double-click the RegisteredOrganization String Value and enter the organization name.
- Click OK.
- Close the Registry to complete the task.
- Once you completed the steps, you can check the new information by using the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut and running the winver command to see About Windows with the new information.
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