How to create Tags in Microsoft Teams

Configurare noua (How To)


What is tags in Teams? a tag will allow you to use the @mention in a channel to reach a wider audience other than to use the @mention for the individuals name. You can add multiple people to a single tag.

You can set a tag for a specific set of users with Job Title or Location.


To create a Tag in Teams

Select the Team you will add a Tag to, then on the left-hand side click on More options … and choose mange Tags.

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You need to be the owner before you can assign tags. If you are not a Owner you will receive the following message

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The Owner of the Team will see the following and will have an option to create a new Tag.

Click on “Create Tag”

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In this example, I will create a Tag based on Location, I will call the Tag “CapeTown” and then assign users to it. Click on Create once all the users has been added to the Tag you are creating.

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Once the Tag has been created successfully, you will be redirected back to the Manage Tag section. You can close this page. By clicking on the X in right hand corner.

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Now that we have our new tag up and running, let’s go ahead and test it.

On a Teams Channel, let’s start a new conversation and use the @ Mention and specify the new Tag we created.

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As we can see above the Tag is live and only users in the Tag will get a notification.

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You can also start a new Chat by using the using the Tag in the to field.

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The Team Owner can also manage who can create new Tags in a Team.

Click on More Option … On the Teams and select Manage Team.

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from the Manage Teams page, click on Settings and select Tags.

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From this section you will be able to manage who can add new Tags.

Can you select from the following options:

  • Owners Only
  • All Members

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Note: If you unable to create or Manage tags, then your organisation might not have the feature, or you are not the Team Owner. If tags are enabled and you are not a team owner, you can still view tags that have been applied to yourself or other team members.

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