How to Export Exchange 2016 Mailboxes to PST – PowerShell

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The practice of exporting mailbox data to PST using PowerShell commands is becoming a popular option because more users are migrating to Exchange Server’s latest 2016 version. In this latest release, Microsoft has added many new features and one of them is a cmdlet for exporting mailbox data to PST files. However,  this option is available only in on-premises Exchange Server 2016.

Since exporting a mailbox to PST is an important form of granular backup, we would like to share our expertise on Exchange 2016 cmdlet New-MailboxExportRequest, and will show you how you can easily export Exchange 2016 mailboxes data to PST format by simply using this PowerShell in an Exchange Management Shell.

But New-MailboxExportRequest command is available only in Mailbox Import Export role, and not to a role group. To use this command, you have to add the Mailbox Import Export role to a role group. Check here to know how to add a role to a role group.

Once you’ve assigned a role to a role group, you can perform the below PowerShell steps to Export Exchange Server mailboxes data.


PowerShell To Export Exchange 2016 Mailbox To PST

  1. Let’s consider a scenario where you have to export a user’s primary mailbox data to PST file on an Exchange Server’s network shared folder., Here,  Alex is a primary mailbox user, MyNetworkPST is a network shared folder, and SERVER22 is the server.

The command to export PST file

New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox Alex -FilePath “\\SERVER22\MyNetworkPST\Alex_Recovered.pst”



2. Consider another case where you have to export Alex’s archive to a PST file on MyNetworkPST network shared folder located on Exchange Server SERVER22.

The cmd let for this scenario is,

New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox Alex -FilePath “\\SERVER22\MyNetworkPST\Alex_Archive.pst” –IsArchive



3. You can even export mailbox messages based on content filtering or word matches. In this example, ‘target‘ and ‘sales‘ are the keywords we look for in the body of the message for Alex user mailbox received before May 2, 2015. The cmdlet for this complex scenario is rather simple, like this:

New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox Alex -ContentFilter {(body -like “*target*”) -and (body -like “*sales*”) -and (Received -lt “02/05/2015”)} -FilePath\\SERVER22\MyNetworkPST\Alex_MyCompanyReports.pst




And in case you want to export all the Alex mailbox messages to the PST file AlexData, run the below PowerShell cmdlet-

New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox Alex -IncludeFolders “#Inbox#” -FilePath \\SERVER22\MyNetworkPST\Alex\AlexData.pst


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