PowerShell is a versatile utility that can manage files and folders in various ways. It gives you access to the system’s files and directories and lets you create, copy, delete, move, renames, and examine them.
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Firstly we will look at how to search the content from the string and file. For that select-string cmdlet is there which helps in finding the pattern from the string or file
Features of select-string cmdlet:
- Select-String cmdlet uses the regular expression to find the string pattern in strings or files.
- Select-String is based on a line of text and searches pattern through each line and stops after the first matches.
- It returns the object if the pattern matches found else the null object returns.
PowerShell Code 1 (Without Function):
$filePath = "C:\Users\HP\OneDrive\Desktop\demo.txt" $selectString = "the good day with rohit sahu" $check = select-string -pattern $selectString -path $filePath if($check -eq $null){ Write-output "String Not Found" } else{ Write-output "String Found" }
PowerShell Code 2 (With Function):
function search-string{ $filePath1 = "C:\Users\HP\OneDrive\Desktop\demo.txt" $selectString1 = "hello Rohit sahu" $chck = select-string -Path $filepath1 -Pattern $selectString1 if($chck -eq $null){ Write-output "String Not Found" } else{ Write-output "String Found" } } search-string
Replace the Content from the String or File
For the Replace the content we have some cmdlet Get-Content and Set-Content this cmdlet helps in fetching and replacing the content from the file or string, with the help of this cmdlet we can read and replace any kind of content inside the file whether it’s a complicated or single word. Powershell has the capability to replace the content about anything.
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