Forgetting the password to your RAR or WinRAR file can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you need to access important data quickly. Fortunately, Command Prompt in Windows provides a powerful and effective way to remove the password from your RAR/WinRAR files without the need for third-party software.
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Remove a RAR/WinRAR Password Using crack
It is a free command-line utility that applies brute force to crack RAR passwords. It’s effective for passwords up to 6 characters unless partial password information is known.
Step 1: Download the latest version of Crack
Now open the folder with WinRAR or just extract the file with Windows extract features then from the list of languages choose any language like English, Russian, etc. then rename the file name “password. def“
Step 3: Now open the password. def with Notepad
Step 4: Make changes only below the hash symbols (##) in the file to customize password search rules for crack.
Uncomment lines without a hash (#) to activate specific password search options, such as lowercase letters, numbers, or combinations. Modify and uncomment lines like MyPass $1 $1 $1 $1 if you know part of the password, adapting them to your criteria.
Step 5: Save the file
Step 6: Transfer the desired RAR file into the cRARk directory for cracking
Step 7: Now open CMD in the folder of cRARk. To CMD simply in the File Explorer search bar type “CMD” and hit enter button. In CMD windows type this command and hit enter button.
crark filename.rar
Remove a RAR/WinRAR Password Using the .bat File
Creating and utilizing a .bat (batch) file can automate the process of removing RAR/WinRAR passwords using CMD, offering a convenient alternative to manual execution.
@echo off title WinRar Password Retriever copy "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Unrar.exe" SET PASS=0 SET TMP=TempFold MD %TMP% :RAR cls echo. SET/P "NAME=File Name : " IF "%NAME%"=="" goto ProblemDetected goto GPATH :ProblemDetected echo You can't leave this blank. pause goto RAR :GPATH SET/P "PATH=Enter Full Path (eg: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop) : " IF "%PATH%"=="" goto PERROR goto NEXT :PERROR echo You can't leave this blank. pause goto RAR :NEXT IF EXIST "%PATH%\%NAME%" GOTO SP goto PATH :PATH cls echo File couldn't be found. Make sure you include the (.RAR) extension at the end of the file's name. pause goto RAR :SP echo. echo Breaking Password... echo. :START title Processing... SET /A PASS=%PASS%+1 UNRAR E -INUL -P%PASS% "%PATH%\%NAME%" "%TMP%" IF /I %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 GOTO FINISH GOTO START :FINISH RD %TMP% /Q /S Del "Unrar.exe" cls title 1 Password Found echo. echo File = %NAME% echo Stable Password= %PASS% echo. echo Press any key to exit. pause>NUL exit
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