How to Run Windows Apps on Your Mac Without Running Windows

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Want to run Windows apps on your Mac without having to touch Windows? You’ve got options that range from using wrappers to emulate the Windows environment to running and hiding the Windows desktop entirely.


Use Wineskin to Run Windows Apps in a Wrapper

Wineskin is a free app that can be used to create “wrappers” that simulate the environment that a Windows application needs to run, with varying levels of success. Unlike the master WINE project, Wineskin is maintained for Apple hardware and works with macOS 13 as well as Apple Silicon machines (using Rosetta 2).

The easiest way to install Wineskin is to use Homebrew. First, install Homebrew (if you don’t already have it) by entering the following command in macOS Terminal:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Once the installation is finished, run this command:

echo 'eval $(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)' >> /Users/$USER/.zprofile

Now finish up with:

eval $(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)

Finally, it’s time to install Wineskin by running the following Terminal command

brew install –cask –no-quarantine gcenx/wine/unofficial-wineskin

Once Wineskin is installed, you can run the Wineskin in your Applications folder (or just launch it with Spotlight). Now install an engine, update the wrapper list, and then start setting up Windows apps and games using Wineskin.

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