How to setup a VPN connection in Mac OS X (L2TP)

Configurare noua (How To)



1. Open System Preferences

Click the spotlight search icon (1) then search for and open System Preferences (2)

2. Open Network Settings

Click the Network icon from the main System Preferences window (3)

3. Add a new connection

Click the + button in the bottom left (4) to add a new network connection.

4. Choose network connection type

Select VPN in the Interface dropdown. (5)

5. Set VPN type

Select L2TP over IPSec in the VPN Type dropdown. (6)

6. Name the VPN connection

Enter a connection name in the Service Name box e.g. ‘Office Connection’. (7)

7. Add to menu bar

Select the new VPN connection on the left side of the Network window and tick ‘Show VPN status in menu bar’. (8)

8. Enter connection details

Enter the VPN connection detailsIf you do not know these, please contact Impact Computing for assistance.

9. Connect to VPN

Once the configuration details have been entered, a new icon should be visible in the menu bar at the top-right of your screen. (15) Click the menu bar icon and choose Connect to connect to the VPN. (16)

You can verify the connection from the Network window. (17)

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