How to Turn on Two-Factor Authentication for Your Reddit Account

Configurare noua (How To)


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Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is a great security tool, and we always recommend it. Most apps make it pretty easy to turn on 2FA, and Reddit is no exception. Here’s how to enable it and make yourself safer online.

Most 2FA implementations allow you to get 2FA codes sent to you either by SMS or generated by an authenticator app. Reddit only uses authenticator apps (which are much more secure than using SMS), so you’ll need to have one like Google Authenticator (Android, iPhone/iPad), Microsoft Authenticator, or Authy installed on your phone before you can get 2FA set up for Reddit. We like Authy, but the Microsoft and Google authenticators are great too.

To turn 2FA on, you’ll need to log in to your Reddit account from your computer and then click the arrow next to your username. From there, select the “User Settings” button.

Reddit's user menu with the "User Settings" option highlighted.

Choose the “Privacy & Security” tab.

Reddit's user settings with the "Privacy & Security" tab highlighted.

Scroll down to the “Advanced Security” section and then click the toggle next to “Use Two-Factor Authentication.”

The "Use two-factor authentication" toggle.

This will open up a new panel where you have to enter your Reddit account password again to make sure it’s you turning 2FA on.

The Password box and Confirm button.

Enter your password and click the “Confirm” button. A QR code will be displayed. Open the authenticator app on your phone and add a new account. Scan the QR code as requested by your authenticator app, enter the 2FA code your app generates into Reddit, and click the “Complete Setup” button.

The QR code to scan, with the 2FA code field, and "Complete Setup" button.

Your Reddit account is set up with 2FA. Make sure you take a copy of your backup codes stored safely offline in case you lose your phone!

The link to get backup codes.


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