How to Update Raspberry Pi Firmware

Configurare noua (How To)


The Raspberry Pi Foundation is responsible for the development of the Raspberry Pi, as well as the firmware it runs. From time to time, new firmware is released to add important security fixes or updates to your Raspberry Pi.


To update your Raspberry Pi firmware, run the command sudo apt update or sudo apt full-update, which will update your Raspberry PI with stable firmware releases. If that isn’t good enough and you need to update to the latest available firmware (for critical bug fixes, for instance) you’ll need to use the rpi-update tool instead.

The Raspberry PI should come installed with Raspbian, but it’s also compatible with other Linux operating systems.


Pasi de urmat

To update your Raspberry Pi firmware, you’ll need to make sure you have the latest version of the rpi-update tool installed. Open a terminal or SSH connection to your Raspberry Pi, then type sudo apt update && sudo apt install rpi-update before hitting enter.

If the latest version is installed, type sudo rpi-update to run the firmware updating tool, then hit enter. You’ll need to confirm whether or not you wish to proceed with the firmware upgrade by pressing the Y key on your keyboard.

You’ll need to reboot once your Raspberry Pi firmware has updated—type sudo reboot to do this if the rpi-update tool doesn’t do it automatically.

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