McAfee Live Safe Installation Incomplete – We couldn’t install any of the security features included with your software error

Configurare noua (How To)


Incercam sa instalam McAfee, dar ne lovim de aceasta eroare :

McAfee Live Safe Installation Incomplete – We couldn’t install any of the security features included with your software error

Si incepem sa urmam acesti pasi:

Pasul 1. Rulam MCPR Uninstaller pentru stergerea fisierelor ramase in urma instalarii

Pasul 2. Rulam CCleaner doar pentru curatarea eroriilor din registrii.

Pasul 3. Rulam AdwCleaner pentru indepartarea programelor si a fisierelor care afecteaza sistemul.

Pasul 4. Rulam MalwareBytes si scanam sistemul de virusi.

Pasul 5. Dezinstalam toate pachetele “Microsoft Visual C++” (2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2017) si dam restart la calculator.
Pasul 6. Navigam catre locatia “C:WindowsSystem32”.

Pasul 7. Identificam urmatoarele trei fisiere de tip dll : “atl100.dll” ; “msvcr100.dll” ; “msvcp100.dll” si le redenumim astfel => “atl100.dll12345” ; “msvcr100.dll12345” ; “msvcp100.dll12345” .

Pasul 8. Dupa ce le-am redenumit downloadam toate pachetele “Microsoft Visual C++” care pot fi gasite pe site-ul Microsoft si le instalam apoi dam restart.

Pasul 9. Rulam Pre-Install Tool pentru fixarea redistributabilelor.

Pasul 10. Reinstalam McAfee LiveSafe Antivirus.






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