Microsoft Teams – How to upload folder (Using Sharepoint)

Configurare noua (How To)


This article is to brief you that user may report the Microsoft Teams only can upload file but unable to upload folder. This article will explain how to upload the folder.



  1. Open any browser, here we use google chrome to explain.
  2. Open Office365 in Google Chrome
  3. Sign-in and Open Microsoft Teams from top left (the 9 dots at the corner).
  4. Choose Group for uploading folder
  5. Click `Open in Sharepoint`
  6. Click upload then Choose FOLDER
  7. Select folder that user want to upload, Click UPLOAD


1.Open any browser, here we use google chrome to explain.

2.Open Office365 in Google Chrome

3.Sign-in and Open Microsoft Teams

4.Under the Teams menu click on the Group (for example test group in image below) and then click on the Files in the menu at right screen.

5.Click `Open in Sharepoint`

6. Click upload then Choose Folder


7. Select folder that user want to upload, Click UPLOAD then WAIT.


1. Cannot upload folder in Microsoft Teams

2. Upload files by folder

3. too many files in Microsoft Teams

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