Just bought a new iPhone/iPad and want to transfer all your data and apps easy?
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1. Create a temporary backup of your current device.
- Go to Settings – General and scroll down and tap Transfer or Reset iPhone
- Under Prepare for New iPhone tap Get Started
- You’ll see a message that says you’re eligible to get free extra iCloud storage. Tap Continue
- Wait for the backup to complete
*You may use your phone while iCloud is backing up. Duration of this process is depending on the internet speed and how much data is stored on your phone.This backup is valid for 21 days.
2. Restore your new device from the temporary backup:
- Turn on your new iPhone and follow the onscreen steps to begin setup
- On the Apps & Data screen, tap Restore from iCloud Backup
- Sign in to iCloud with your Apple ID and password
- Choose your most recent iCloud backup
- Wait for the restore to complete
*After this step, your phone will start. The restoring process will continue in the background.You may start using the phone. Duration of this process is depending on the internet speed and on the size of the backup.
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