The fflush() function in PHP is an inbuilt function which is used to write all the buffered output to an open file. The fflush() function forces a write of all buffered output to the resource pointed to by the file handle. The fflush() function returns true on success and false on failure.
Pasi de urmat
Parameters: The fflush() function in PHP accepts only one parameter which is $file. It specifies the open file stream.
Return Value: It returns TRUE on success and FALSE on failure.
Errors And Exception:
- The fflush() function results in errors if the file pointer is not valid.
- The file pointed must be opened by fopen() or fsockopen() and closed by fclose().
Below programs illustrate the fflush() function.
Program 1: In the below program the file named singleline.txt contains a single line of information which is “This file consists of a single line.”.
Program 2: In the below program the file named gfg.txt contains the following piece of text.
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