Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social networking service owned by Facebook, Python provides powerful tools for interacting with Instagram.
Pasi de urmat
Install ‘instabot‘ package using the below command in the terminal.
pip install instabot
Import class ‘Bot‘ from ‘instabot‘ package.
from instabot import Bot
Create a varibale let’s say ‘bot’ and store the class ‘Bot’ in it.
bot = Bot()
Login to your instagram account using the below command. Provide your Instagram ‘username’ and ‘password’.
bot.login(username = “******”,
password = “ppppppp”)
Upload your photo using the following command.
bot.upload_photo(“provide the path to the picture here”,
caption = “provide the caption that you \
want to display on the post here”)
Below is the full program to upload the photo on Instagram. The below program uploads a picture of “Techincal Scripter 2019”.
from instabot import Bot
bot = Bot()
bot.login(username = “user_name”,
password = “user_password”)
# Recommended to put the photo
# you want to upload in the same
# directory where this Python code
# is located else you will have
# to provide full path for the photo
caption =”Technical Scripter Event 2019″)
Below is the screen shot of the post at Instagram of the above photo.
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