Avem eroarea: A corruption was discovered in the file system structure on volume D:. The Master File Table (MFT) contains a corrupted file record. The file reference number is 0x1000000000001. The name of the file is “<unable to determine file name>”.
1. Descarcam software-ul HD Sentinel versiunea trial de pe site-ul si il instalam.
2. Rulam sofware-ul cu drepturi de Administrator
3. Selectam HDD-ul pe care avem problema si dam click pe Tab-ul Overview.
4. Acolo vom vedea ca apare eroarea : “There is 1 weak sector found on the disk surface. It may be remapped any time in the later use of the disk. 134 errors occured during data transfer.” .
5. Salvam fisierele de care avem nevoie si efectuam un full format nu un quick format in urma caruia erorile vor fi rezolvate.
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