Xcode pentru Swift

Configurare noua (How To)


Swift 4 is a new programming language developed By Apple Inc for IOS and OS X development.

“Hello playground!”


Pasi de urmat

The start you must have an account at Apple Developer website or App Store, Download Xcode.

Now you have Xcode Installed on your machine.


Open Xcode for the application folder. You can see:

Welcome To Xcode

  1.  . Get Started With a playground
  2.   . Greate a new Xcode project
  3.    . Clone an existing project

Select Get started with a playground.

Select IOS as platform and Single View.


Enter a name for playground. 

Finally, you will get the Playground window as follows:

Import UIKit

var str = ” hello, playground”

print(“Hello, playground”)

Tip solutie



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