How to Create Macrium Reflect recovery media and back up

Configurare noua (How To)



To create a Reflect recovery media, connect a USB flash drive with enough space, and use these steps:

  1. Open Miacrium Reflect.
  2. Click the Other Tasks menu and select the Create Rescue Media option.

  • Select the drive to create a bootable media – For example, USB flash drive.
  • Click the Build button.

  • Click the OK button.
  • Click the Close button.

After you complete the steps, you can use the USB recovery media to start the computer and restore the latest backup.

Restore full backup of Windows 11 using Macrium Reflect

To restore a previous backup, use these steps:

  1. Start computer with Macrium Reflect USB recovery media.

Quick tip: If your device doesn’t automatically boot with the USB media, you may have to change the boot order in the UEFI. To open your device firmware, you’ll typically need to press a key (F2, F12, Delete, or Esc) immediately after you turn on your computer. For instructions on accessing the boot menu or changing the boot order, check your manufacturer’s support website.

  1. Click the Existing Backups tab.
  2. Click the Browse for an image file option from the right side.
  3. Select the Windows 11 full backup to restore.
  4. Click the OK button.
  5. Click the Restore button from the right side.
  6. Click the Next button.

Quick note: The application should restore the full backup on the correct destination drive. However, if you’re replacing or formatting the destination drive, you may need to drag the partitions you want to restore from the Source to the Destination drive.

  1. Click the Finish button.
  2. Click the Continue button.
  3. Click the OK button.
  4. Click the Close button.
  5. Click the Power button from the bottom-left corner.
  6. Select the Reboot option.
  7. Click the OK button.

Once you complete the steps, Macrium Reflect will restore the latest backup of Windows 11 on the computer.

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