How to troubleshoot Intel® Active Management Technology Issues

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Error: WHQL test fails at Intel Active Management SOL–(COM3)
Intel® Desktop Boards that support Intel AMT may fail certain WHQL tests with an error at Intel Active Management SOL–(COM3).

To successfully pass the WHQL tests, make sure you have a serial loopback cable connected to COM1 (some 965 boards have a COM1 pinout—you need to attach a dongle). When prompted that you don’t have COM3 loopback attached, select Ignore.

Disabling the Intel AMT dialog box
By default, when Windows starts on an Intel AMT-enabled system, the following dialog box is displayed.

Intel AMT dialog box


  1. Click Start > Run
  2. Type msconfig and press enter
  3. Go to the Startup tab
  4. Uncheck the box for “atchk” and click OK.

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