What is Kubernetes Kubernetes clusters host containerised applications in a reliable and scalable way. Having DevOps in mind, Kubernetes makes maintenance tasks such as upgrades dead simple. What is MicroK8s MicroK8s is a CNCF certified upstream Kubernetes deployment that runs entirely on your workstation or edge device. Being a snap it runs all Kubernetes services natively (i.e. no virtual machines) while packing the entire set of libraries and binaries needed. Installation is limited by how fast you can download a couple of hundred megabytes and the removal of MicroK8s leaves nothing behind. What is Multipass Multipass is a lightweight VM manager for Linux, Windows and macOS. It’s designed for developers who want a fresh Ubuntu environment with a single command. It uses KVM on Linux, Hyper-V on Windows and HyperKit on macOS to run the VM with minimal overhead. It can also use VirtualBox on Windows and macOS. Multipass will fetch images for you and keep them up to date. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to…
- Setting up Multipass on Windows
- Setting up MicroK8s on your Multipass VM
- Enabling MicroK8s add-ons in Multipass
You will only need …
- A Windows machine with at least 8GB of RAM
- Multipass installed on your PC.
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To install MicroK8s from the command prompt, use the following commands (make sure you have Multipass installed):multipass launch --name microk8s-vm --mem 4G --disk 40G
multipass exec microk8s-vm -- sudo snap install microk8s --classic
multipass exec microk8s-vm -- sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT Make sure you reserve enough resources to host your deployments; above, we got 4GB of RAM and 40GB of hard disk. We also make sure packets to/from the pod network interface can be forwarded to/from the default interface.
The VM has an IP address that you can check with the command:multipass list: Name State IPv4 microk8s-vm RUNNING The
services once enabled will be available at the IP address shown in your console. Before we move on, a few quick handy commands: Create a shell inside the VMmultipass shell microk8s-vm
Shutdown the VMmultipass stop microk8s-vm
Delete the VM and cleanupmultipass delete microk8s-vm
multipass purge
Open a shell in Multipass with a MicroK8s VMmultipass shell microk8s-vm
To execute a command without getting a shell, you can usemultipass exec
as in the example below:multipass exec microk8s-vm -- /snap/bin/microk8s.status
This will show us the status of our MicroK8s deployment and components.
While MicroK8s has a lot of useful add-ons, for simplicity's sake we'll enable and use the dns and dashboard addons. We can view the Grafana dashboard for our deployment. Let's enable the add-ons. Use the follwoing command:multipass exec microk8s-vm -- /snap/bin/microk8s.enable dns dashboard
Let's access hosted services. The API server proxies our services, here is how to get to them:multipass exec microk8s-vm -- /snap/bin/microk8s.kubectl cluster-info Kubernetes master is running at Heapster is running at /services/heapster/proxy CoreDNS is running at /services/kube-dns:dns/proxy Grafana is running at /services/monitoring-grafana/proxy InfluxDB is running at /services/monitoring-influxdb:http/proxy
multipass exec microk8s-vm -- /snap/bin/microk8s.config
Host your first service in Kubernetes We start by creating a microbot deployment with two pods via the kubectl cli:multipass exec microk8s-vm -- /snap/bin/microk8s.kubectl create deployment microbot --image=dontrebootme/microbot:v1 multipass exec microk8s-vm -- /snap/bin/microk8s.kubectl scale deployment microbot --replicas=2
To expose our deployment we need to create a service:multipass exec microk8s-vm -- /snap/bin/microk8s.kubectl expose deployment microbot --type=NodePort --port=80 --name=microbot-service
After a few minutes our cluster looks like this:> multipass exec microk8s-vm -- /snap/bin/microk8s.kubectl get all --all-namespaces NAMESPACE NAME default pod/microbot-7dd47b8fd6-4rzt6 default pod/microbot-7dd47b8fd6-xr49r kube-system pod/coredns-f7867546d-zb9t5 kube-system pod/heapster-v1.5.2-844b564688-5bpzs kube-system pod/kubernetes-dashboard-7d75c474bb-jcglw kube-system pod/monitoring-influxdb-grafana-v4-6b6954 NAMESPACE NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP default service/kubernetes ClusterIP default service/microbot-service NodePort kube-system service/heapster ClusterIP kube-system service/kube-dns ClusterIP kube-system service/kubernetes-dashboard ClusterIP kube-system service/monitoring-grafana ClusterIP kube-system service/monitoring-influxdb ClusterIP NAMESPACE NAME default deployment.apps/microbot kube-system deployment.apps/coredns kube-system deployment.apps/heapster-v1.5.2 kube-system deployment.apps/kubernetes-dashboard kube-system deployment.apps/monitoring-influxdb-grafana-v4
At the very top we have the microbot pods,service/microbot -service
is the second in the services list. Our service has a ClusterIP through which we can access it. Notice, however, that our service is of type NodePort. This means that our deployment is also available on a port on the host machine; that port is randomly selected and in this case it happens to be32648
. All we need to do is to point our browser tohttp://localhost:32648
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